Emmett Farid

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bridger's new carseat

Bridger has always been a big kid. His previous rear facing seat only rear faced to 35 lbs and he reached that rather quickly.
He is not even two years old yet and since the AAP and NHTSA have reccomended that NO CHILD UNDER 2 should ride forward facing we decided to keep him safe and just buy a longer rear facing carseat and this is what we got (Bridger picked the color himself) and we LOVE it.
Its a Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL. It will rear face to 45lbs and forward face harnessed to 80 lbs (the longer they are harnessed the better.) Then he will need a booster later on. This seat is skinny enough to fit 3 across in a sedan.

Im so glad I was able to take the classes to become a CPST (child passenger safety technition) and am nationally certified to inspect, instruct, and install car seats. I'm happy I have taught so many people how to keep their kids safe in the car and alive in an accident.
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