I can't believe Koree is already 6 years old! This year he wanted a pirate party at Jensens Grove. They had a treasure hunt, ate yummy cake, and played in the sand and the water. My dad took all of these pictures. It sure was a blast!
My wonderful father took some family pictures for us. He used to do photography a while back and has decided to start up again. We were happy to let him use us :) Bridger would not cooperate with us at all, and we couldn't get Emmett to sleep through the newborn pictures. They still turned out great! Here is a mini preview!
Just because I have too many pictures to share for my family that lives farther away, I'm just making a random blog here! This is 1-2 weeks old! And a picture that just captures Bridger perfectly!
It was Emmett's first week home and everything went wonderfully. He already slept for a 6 hour stretch at night and other than that only wakes up once at night. He had his first bath on the 29th of July when he was 3 days old. Bridger LOVES to go on walks and always talks about "Emmett!!!!" and points to his tummy to sign his name. He is a fabulous big brother!
Emmett Farid joined our family on July 26th after a beautiful natural birth. My labor was 7 hours long (starting with my water breaking at 5:30AM) and he was born at 12:31 PM weighing in a 6lbs 14 oz and 19 inches long!
We were thrilled to have the birth that we wanted and to have everything work out wonderfully! He is just a great little baby and we are so happy to have him here!
After he was born he had issues regulating his oxygen supply to his limbs, and his o2 stats kept dropping into the 60's (they are supposed to stay in the high 90's), his blood sugar also took a downward spiral and he became lethargic. He was rushed away from us and they were preparing to transport him to EIRMC (Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center) and were discussing emergency heart surgery at Primary Children's in Salt Lake City, UT. It was a stressful time being separated, but they let Benjamin give him a blessing. They went over his heart echo again and what was though to be a serious condition of the heart turned out to be an innocent murmur and Emmett was fine after a little help and observation. He was reunited with us on his second day. I know we were being watched over, and I feel blessed to this day. He has been in cloth diapers since day 1 and we are loving it! The random picture is ben supporting me while I was in the labor tub. I just think it accurately showed what was happening. Without further ado, here is the little fighter!
Benjamin and I were married on January 3, 2009 in the Idaho Falls Temple.
We welcomed our first son, Bridger Scott, into this world January 7, 2010. We are currently in Idaho Falls while Benjamin works as a drafter and I have the wonderful privilidge to be a stay at home mother.
We recently welcomed our second son, Emmett Farid, on July 26th, 2011.