Well this ultrasound was NOT as good as the last one but with both ultrasound techs being out of the office I guess this was the best that they could do. As most of you know i had a suspected tear of my placenta last week and was put on immediate bedrest until Monday when i could be examined and well it worked! This ultrasound was done by one of the PA's and all she was doing was checking if it heart was still beating and it was! She couldnt tell me how big it was or how fast the heart was beating or where the placenta is attached but at least we know they are doing alright! i have another appt on August 3rd and ill be 15 weeks, they said we might get a little peak at the gender! Im so excited! Other than that, work was too hard with all the complication and with losing 2 little ones in the past so monday was my last day at Jacksons after two and a half years there! So if anyone needs any baby sitting done, ha ha hit me up! :D

Here is a picture of our little one!